Saturday, July 7, 2012

20 Weeks

I wanted to start a blog for our family and friends and have an outlet where I could boast and brag about our new addition.  I don't want to be one of those moms that bombard people with stories and photos and only talk about their child. So here you can take in as much as you'd like whenever you'd like. 

At this moment Deonte and I are expecting our first "human" child in December 2012.  I say human because we are already proud parents of a Papitese named Madison.  The months are quickly passing and as of right now I am at the half way point at 20 weeks.  Pregnancy thus far has been fine, aside from the heartburn, back pain and swollen feet it really hasn't been that bad. Well Deonte may have another opinion about it as I have been experiencing the occasional mood swings...

On another note, where is this magical pregnancy glow? All i can find are blemishes. I never really had an issue with acne but I'm getting pimples everywhere! Am I missing something? The only glow I've been able to find lately comes in a bottle of Jergens lotion. Well just a small price to pay I guess as I've heard everything goes back to normal after the baby is born.

I will try to keep this blog consistent and up to date as things progress. We are soo excited to meet Baby Fresh!


1 comment:

  1. the occasional mood swings... MY FAVORITE PART!!!!!!!
